Outdoor Scoring Evenings

scoringAs discussed at club meeting a club scoring night will be held on the following dates

  • Sunday 31st of May
  • Sunday 28th of June
  • Sunday 26th of July
  • Sunday 23rd of August
  • Sunday 27th of September Neath closed tournament (round to be decided)

National Rounds – doesn’t matter bow type or experience

  • seniors
    • 4 dozen at 60yds,2 dozen at 50yds
  • u16
    • 4 dozen at 50yds,2 dozen at 40yds
  • u14
    • 4 dozen at 40yds,2 dozen at 30yds
  • u12
    • 4 dozen at 30yds,2 dozen at 20yds

Seniors will shoot under a handicap system so making it fairer for all

It will be the same round each month so hopefully you be able to see any improvement you are making.

Please can you let me know if you are interested beforehand and if you are taking part can you try and be early on those nights.

If you do not want to join us on the scoring you can still shoot as normal on these nights
